by webadmin | Nov 11, 2021 | Spontaneity
Suddenly I get a call. We need to do a film shoot. On the boats. Sailing. When? I ask. Tomorrow comes the confident reply. Less than 24 hours. But opportunities and moments like these don’t use calendars and diaries and schedulers. Let’s have some fun. Out...
by webadmin | Oct 26, 2021 | Spontaneity
Drop everything and fly….. how many of us are able to do this anymore? Plans come in the way. Mindsets. Must-haves. Must do’s. Cannot. Not now. Next time!!!! So what a pleasure when 4 times this week I had people who just hopped aboard and sailed off with...
by webadmin | Jun 22, 2021 | Uncategorized
The lessons learned on the water in a sailboat are life-changing for everyone, regardless of their age. A whole new world of possibilities and skills opens up when you learn to sail. Self-discovery is the biggest life lesson a person takes away from sailing. It...
by webadmin | Jun 2, 2021 | Learn to Sail, Leisure Sailing, Sailing in Goa, Sailing in Mandwa, Sailing in Mumbai
As mariners, the ocean is our home, our energy, and our diversion, and we perceive the extraordinary duty we have in assisting with safeguarding her spotless and healthy future. We must recognize our obligation to take care of the oceans we sail. We know that our duty...
by webadmin | May 5, 2021 | Learn to Sail, Leisure Sailing, Sailing in Goa, Sailing in Mandwa, Sailing in Mumbai
In a multitude of ways, being on water is the ultimate freedom. Sailing is the perfect water sport to imbibe life skills in you through a journey of self-discovery. Of course, with Aquasail, your initial sailing days will be a success as you adhere to the direction...
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